Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just over a week to go...

With just over a week to go before Rebuilding Day, details are flying and the office and warehouse are buzzing with activity.  If you have any questions about your project, don't hesitate to contact us.  Here are a few details I wanted to make sure you have:

Sign Up to Pick Up
Be sure you sign up to pick up your supplies next week.  With 53 projects, not everyone can come on Friday.  Please use the calendar link below to sign up. Choose a time that doesn't already have a # and name by it, double click on the time and a new screen will open.  Under "Modify the Text", replace the text with your project # and name; for example:  "Project 10/Deanne Everton".  Then click on "Replace Event" and you're all signed up.

Refrigerators and Electric Ranges available
We have a surplus of 3 refrigerators and 10 electric ranges.  If your homeowner could benefit from one of these, let me know.  We'd rather use them than have them sit here in the warehouse.

Credit Cards
Project Credit Cards were mailed last Tuesday.  If you haven't received yours, please let me know.

Paint Prep
We have been VERY BUSY prepping all the houses that are being painted that were built prior to 1978 and needed scraping.  We've only had the people-power to scrape the peeling and flaking paint (according to the EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule); but we've not have any time to do any cleaning if the house is at all dirty.  I understand that once the scraping has been done, it is okay to wash the house with a garden hose and TSP as long as no flakes of paint are created.  So if your house needs a cleaning before painting, you may want to consider this.

Also, we are a little concerned that since we had to start so early with the scraping, some additional flaking may occur before Rebuilding Day with the changes in weather.  If this does occur, the only thing to do is prime over it and do the best you can.  We'd like to know if this does happen so we can try to address it next year.

Debris Bins/Metal/E-Waste, etc.
If you requested a debris bin, they will be delivered next Friday, April 29 (unless you requested a different date.)  Remember, if you have any metal items, e-waste, or old appliances, those need to be brought back to our warehouse and we'll recycle them.  Resource Coordinators are coordinating this effort, unless you don't have one.  In that case, we could use your help.  We'll also be sending the Resource Coordinator a list of who on your site has a truck.

Last Call for Volunteers

All House Captains/Volunteer Coordinators should have received an email from Julia Metz, here in our office, giving you the link to see who is on your project and what their skills are.  Here's the link if you missed it:

If you feel you might need more volunteers, let Julia ( know by tomorrow, Friday, April 22.  We do have a few volunteers on a wait list, but they'll soon be gone. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If you asked for grab bars, 1/2 steps, railings, etc....?

Here's the scoop:
1/2 steps:  Steps are being pre-built for the following projects:  122, 134, 151, 156, 203, 204.  If we have pre-built them, they will be delivered prior to Rebuilding Day and your team will be removing the old steps and installing the new.

Railings: Due to the complexities of each project regarding railings, it's best if you call the Rebuilding Together office and talk with Jerry Zuniga, our Safe at Home Project Manager, about what you need. He can be reached at 578-9519 or email him at

Grab Bars:  We will have your requested grab bars here at the warehouse when you come to pick up supplies.  We will also have Toggler Brand Toggle Bolts if you need them.  These can be used if one end of your grab bar is not going into a stud or if you are installing in tile or fiberglass.  Check out this video on how these work:

When you install a grab bar using these bolts, use a 1/2" drill bit and move it around a bit once you've made your hole because these togglebolts are slightly larger than 1/2".  Be sure to use a glass/tile bit if drilling into tile.  It is suggested that you use clear silicon on the back of the grab bar before screwing it into the wall for added strength.

Other Accessibility Items (such as shower seats and handheld showers):  If you've asked for a toilet seat riser, we need to know whether it is the regular seat or elongated.  These can also be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot.

Sign up for Pick Up!

NOW IS THE TIME to sign up to pick up your supplies from our warehouse: 2827 Aiello Drive, San Jose, 95111.

This is for House Captains, Project Coordinators and Resource Coordinators.  House Captains and Resource Coordinators can pick up any day the week before Rebuilding Day (April 25-29).  Volunteer Coordinators must pick up on Friday, April 29.  If you want to coordinate pick ups and have one person pick up for all 3, that must be done on Friday.  If you are picking up for multiple leaders, please add your name to each of the appropriate calendars.  We do need you to make an appointment so that we can have your items pulled.  With 52 projects leaders (x 3) picking up, we'll be staging pickups as we go.  You can either call the office (408-578-9519) to make an appointment or use our online calendars.  See links and instructions below.  Thanks everyone!!

House Captains:  We are making appointments beginning Monday, April 25-Friday, April 29.  You'll be picking up your House Kit, Paint and Paint Kits (if applicable), Ladders and smaller appliances you may have requested.  Large appliances will be delivered.  If you requested Accessibility items from us, see separate article about those details.

Volunteer Coordinators: Your Project Box and supplies will be available to pick up on Friday, April 29 only.  You'll be picking up a tote with your first aid kit, extra waivers, safety poster, plates and napkins, cookies, fruit; in addition you'll pick up a 5 gallon water container, project sign and bucket(s) of soda.  If you have a small car, be sure it's empty before you come so you can fit everything in.  

Resource Coordinators: You'll be picking up your Green Kit plus any additional items you requested from Julia.  Most of your supplies fit into a 5 gallon bucket.

Please use our online calendars to sign up:

House Captains:

Volunteer Coordinators:

Resource Coordinators:

Instructions for Signing Up:
Choose a time that doesn't already have a # and name by it, double click on the time and a new screen will open.  Under "Modify the Text", replace the text with your project # and name; for example:  "Project 10/Deanne Everton".  Then click on "Replace Event" and you're all signed up.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Credit Cards Coming Your Way

Rebuilding Day credit cards are being mailed on Tuesday, 4/12/11.  I'm using the address you provided on your Online Project Scope.  You'll be receiving a Lowes, Home Depot and Orchard Supply card.  Please read the instructions carefully on how to use these cards; and it's best to keep the instructions separate from the cards so not just anyone can use them.  On the other hand, anyone can use them if they have a PO# and picture ID.  So, remember to send a runner on Rebuilding Day if you have to make any project-day purchases--so you can stay on-site.  Let me know if you haven't received yours by Friday. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Painting Prep Update

As you've hopefully heard from us by now, a new EPA rule went into effect one year ago that states that it must be assumed that any home built prior to 1978 has lead in the paint--unless properly tested.  Testing for us here in California is somewhat cost prohibitive (although we did do a bit of testing on some of these homes); therefore we must assume any home built prior to 1978 does contain lead in the paint.  Because of this, we are required to follow the EPA RRP (Renovation, Repair & Painting) rule and adhere to certain protective practices when scraping or disturbing any paint on these homes so as not to create lead dust and to contain any paint particles we remove.  Unfortunately, the practices are so stringent that we are not able to do any scraping on Rebuilding Day.  (However, if there is less than 20 square feet of peeling paint on the exterior, the rule does not apply.)

So, we have identified those projects doing exterior painting that need scraping, and we have scheduled prepping days throughout this month to scrape those homes.  Many thanks to the volunteers who've been Lead Certified and those who've been helping with this on a regular basis as well as Nicole Mueller, our AmeriCorps volunteer who has been dedicating most of her time coordinating these efforts!

Here's a rundown of the exterior paint conditions, and prepping that may or may not occur prior to Rebuilding Day.  If you have any questions, please let me or Nicole know (

At this time we are not doing any interior prepping because the requirements for interior work is simply too difficult to manage if not done in conjunction with the painting.  It is our understanding that all interiors being painted do not require any scraping.  

Project # Homeowner Name Paint Prep update
120 Brazwell <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
121 Nguyen prep will occur on 4/20
122 Segura prep will occur on 4/9
123 Teso tested negative for lead, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
124 PACE MoreHouse no exterior painting
125 PACE Miracle House no exterior painting
126 Purcell prepped 4/1
127 Martha's Kitchen no exterior painting
128 Rodriguez prep will be done by Vivid Painting
129 Moore prepped 4/4
130 Hobbs prep will be done by Vivid Painting
131 Almanza prep will occur on 4/25
132 Posada no exterior painting
133 Golden Care no prep required
134 Fisher <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
135 Bemont prep will be done by Vivid Painting
136 Wade House built after 1978, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required
137 Argandar <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
138 Kotwicki prepped 4/6
139 Ahmad, Mahmoud no exterior painting
140 Ramirez no exterior painting
141 Caballero prep will occur on 4/8
142 Casa de Clara no exterior painting
143 Young Life Capernaum no exterior painting
144 Keith prepped 3/23
145 Moralez prep will be done by Vivid Painting
146 Cardenas no exterior painting
147 Evanoff prep will occur on 4/13
148 Velarde prep will occur on 4/18
149 Galvan prepped 3/28
150 Flores, R. prepped 3/30
151 Flores, F. no exterior painting
152 Avalos tested negative for lead, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
153 Gaspar prep will be done by Vivid Painting
154 Hernandez <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
155 Hannibal prep will occur on 4/27
156 Holland tested negative for lead, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
157 Valenzuela prepped 4/6
158 Red no exterior painting
159 Armas no exterior painting
160 Chavez no exterior painting
201 Garcia <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
202 Chen no exterior painting
203 Truchetta <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
204 Connelly no prep required
205 Perazzo no exterior painting
206 Carver no exterior painting
207 Aguirre pergola being removed prior to Rebuilding Day
208 Morales prep will be done by a City of San Jose contractor
209 Gibbons no exterior painting
210 Marumoto <20 sf peeling exterior, no pre-Rebuilding Day prep required, prep can occur on Rebuilding Day
211 Woods awaiting decision regarding exterior painting

Roof Work

We typically hire out any roof work needed on our projects.  We currently use RoofServ; they give us a great non-profit rate and try their best to repair roofs when possible rather than replacing--to help keep costs down.  They are a great company to work with and we highly recommend them. Their phone # is (408) 842-1057. 

Here are the projects we currently have on their list.  Let me know if your project needs roof work and is not listed (except for #145 which is taking care of this themselves.)

#121 Brazwell
#132 Posada
#140 Ramirez
#153 Gaspar
#159 Armas
#201 Garcia
#202 Chen
#207 Aguirre
#208 Morales
#210 Marumoto

Friday, April 1, 2011

###Please Use Your Project Number###

When you are emailing me or leaving messages regarding your project, please use your Project #.  This helps me quickly locate your project information.  Thank you!

Questions from House Captain Conference Call

Here's a list of questions we covered in the House Captain Conference Call today.  Also check out the following post regarding "next steps" that we covered in the call as well.

What if we don't have the tools we need?  
First, check with your volunteers to see if anyone has what you're looking for.  You can easily contact your volunteers by using the link provided below.  If none of your volunteers have what you need, then check with us.  And lastly, you may need to rent the tool.

Where can we rent tools needed?
We have an account with A Tool Shed  and you can rent tools there, if needed.  They donate the rental of some tools; others are rented with a discount.

What does Rebuilding Together supply?  What do House Captains purchase?
Rebuilding Together supplies the following:  Appliances, flooring, accessibility items (grab bars, toilet seat risers, etc.)--if you requested them on your survey.  (See pages 12-13 in your handbook.) We also provide Paint and Paint Kits--if you indicated you are painting on your survey--and a House Kit.  (See Appendix F for list of what comes in the kits.)

House Captains are responsible for purchasing anything else needed using the credit cards we'll send to you.

What if I have to make a change to my Online Project Scope after I've submitted it?
Please email me and let me know of the change.  If it's something we need to change on our end, I'll let you know whether or not we can make the change.

What does my budget cover?
Your budget covers whatever you purchase plus appliances, flooring, and accessibility items you get from us.  (See Appendix G for price list.)  It does not include paint and paint kits.

How can I find out who has volunteered for my project? When can I find out who my Volunteer Coordinator (VC) and Resource Coordinator (RC) are?
If you are with a sponsoring group or community group, you most likely already know who your Volunteer and Resource Coordinators are.  For those of you who are independent House Captains, we will be matching volunteers as well as VCs and RCs with you in the next week of so.  We'll do an email introduction.  If you know what group your volunteers are coming from, then you can check the following link to see who has volunteered for your project:

Find your group in the drop down menu, and your volunteers who've signed up online will appear. Click on the "Volunteer Skill Form" and an excel spreadsheet will open with all volunteers listed along with their skills. This can be very useful as you begin to plan your workday. You can also click on "Show list of Emails" and a list of all emails will come up that can be copied and easily used to send an email to all who've signed up.

How do I find out if my house is being scraped prior to Rebuilding Day?
We indicated what we knew about this on your Online Project Scope.  Our AmeriCorps member, Nicole Mueller, should be contacting your to let you know the plan for scraping your house--both before the work is done and after.

How do the paint colors for the exterior painting get determined?
We will have paint samples at the Homeowner Orientations the first week in April.  We'll be asking homeowners to select colors at that time.